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Cyrielle PONS

A spring comeback for KINGDOM!

KINGDOM will make a new comeback on March 23 with the release of King Mujin's album, King of Cherry Blossoms!

More than four months after the release of "History Of Kingdom: Part V. Louis" and the arrival of HWON following the departure of CHIWOO, KINGDOM announces its comeback for March 23rd. And the release date is not insignificant!

This new opus, the sixth, will follow in the footsteps of King Mujin symbolizing cherry blossoms. This year, in Japan, the period of beginning of flowering is expected between March 25 and May 10, from the south to the north of the country, with a starting point on March 23 in Fukuoka. "History Of Kingdom: Part VI. MUJIN" comes in two versions: "BLOOM" and "SOUL" both in pastel colors sticking to the spring theme.

Since February 2021 and the release of "Excalibur", the group's first MV from the first album centered on King Arthur, KINGDOM has continued to climb the ladder, thus making a place for itself on the Korean music scene. "Excalibur" records more than 2.6 million views on YouTube when "Long Live The King", extract from the 5th opus released last October, already exceeds 10 million views!

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