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FEMM & Mikuromika at the Badaboum !

Cyrielle PONS

For almost a decade of career, FEMM has been performing songs mixing electro-pop-rap sounds with committed lyrics. Young women were able to tame Western audiences in 2014 when “F##k Boys Get Money” was released. However, no tour or performances had come to establish this nascent notoriety. It's now done thanks to the duo's summer tour which took place from July 14 to 24, with a French visit on Saturday 16 in the capital.

Nestled in the heart of the 11th arrondissement of Paris, Le Badaboum is a hybrid venue, hosting concerts in the early evening and transforming into a club after 11 pm. Its capacity of 400 people makes it an intimate and friendly place, perfect for hosting FEMM's first French concert. On this occasion, the duo was accompanied by the Japanese soloist, Mikuromika, delighted to be able to meet the French public.

It's at 7:00 pm that she goes on stage. Far from being intimidated by fans eager to applaud FEMM, Mikuromika seized the chance and delivered half an hour of real performance. Her vitality, her ease on stage as well as her mastery of English make her a full-fledged electro-pop artist ready to embrace her career. She also manages to attract her audience thanks to songs such as "Good Day" which alone has more than 117,000 views on YouTube, or even "Ocean", entirely written in English!

Through these few titles, it goes without saying that Mika perfectly fulfilled his role as opening act by setting the tone for the evening while expanding his community.

Half an hour after this supercharged introduction, the FEMM duo finally makes its appearance! The two young women are perfectly in their roles as robotic models and start the show with “We Flood the Night”, all in an atmosphere worthy of the depths of the ocean. The choreography is mastered, both being perfectly synchronized. The entrance to the stage is hypnotizing and the effect on the audiences, instantaneous: everyone begins to sketch a few dance steps in rhythm with the balanced melody.

They chain several titles from their early career in 2014, all well known to the fans present that evening. Then follow more recent pieces which prove that the duo has been able to renew itself over the years without going into a redundancy of melodies. “Peach”, “Plastic” or even “Tokyo Girl Anthem” make fans believe they are on a dance floor instead of a concert hall, confirming the choice of Badaboum as the perfect place for FEMM!

After this crossing of their second album, the duo moves on to “Sugar Rush” from “Tokyo Ex Machina”, their third opus released in January 2022. Note also that the European version will be available in our points of sale from August 05th!

The audience is still present as the last third of the concert begins. Heated by “Sugar Rush”, he totally ignites as a return to the past takes place with the first notes of “F##k Boys Get Money”! The emblematic song of the duo unleashed the crowds, and even the staff of the room are taken to wiggle their hips discreetly. Eight years after its release, the song still produces the same devastating effect!

Boosted by the welcome and the atmosphere that reigns, the young women close this show with two last songs. The first, “Falling For A Lullaby”, latest single. More electro-pop than others, the track has the merit of showing that RiRi and LuLa are also real singers with real high notes. Proof of this succees, the MV has accumuladed more than 254,000 views on YouTube since its release on Huly 4th! Finally, as a message to its audience, FEMM concludes with “We Got Each Other”. With this last piece, the duo promises subtly promises its fans to come back soon!

The entire KARAOME team would like to thank FEMM, Mukromika, Orion Live, Setsuzoku Records & Avex Trax for making this live-report possible.


Redaction : Cyrielle PONS

Pictures : KARAOME, FEMM & Mikuromika



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