ODD EYE CIRCLE finds its French public for the last date of its European tour, less than a year after the performance of LOONA!
Maybe we should have waited a few more months?
This Friday, August 11, the ODD EYE CIRCLE trio closed its first European tour with a Parisian date, in the very popular Salle Pleyel! A few meters from the most beautiful avenue in the world, the Orbits, name of the fans of the LOONA group, found themselves after eleven months. Indeed, last September, LOONA performed for the first and last time on the Parisian stages. Since then, many scandals have overcome the formation of twelve, allowing ODD EYE CIRCLE, a subunit created in 2017, to break away from it, becoming a second chance for its three members.
Through a performance of just over 90 minutes, Kim Lip, Jin Soul and Choerry (re)presented all of their titles. Eighteen tracks that plunged fans into the soul of ODD EYE CIRCLE... Eighteen tracks that felt like a trip down memory lane! Indeed, the only release of the trio for this year is their EP, “Volume Up”, composed of six titles including five present that evening: “Love Me Like”, “Je ne sais quoi”, “Lucid”, “Air Force One” and “My Secret Playlist”. The rest of the setlist, with the exception of a cover of the title “Say So” by Doja Cat, highlights songs dating from 2017, and even borrowed from LOONA for the finale, “Hi High”.
This raises the following question: isn't this first European tour rushed? Although the enthusiasm of the fans is there, the whole evening gives off an impression of too fast. Although it is customary in concerts for the members to take breaks to interact with the fans, ODD EYE CIRCLE needed to resort to many intermissions, switching between pre-recorded videos and speaking time. The pace of the performance has become choppy. Difficult then for a neophyte to immerse himself body and soul in the bubbling atmosphere!
Proximity and Complicity on the program!
Nevertheless, it is necessary to underline the performance of ODD EYE CIRCLE! Far from the multitude of artifices present during shows of other groups, the trio has chosen simplicity and above all proximity! Regardless of your location, it was possible to enjoy the concert without breaking your neck. Add to that, a physical proximity accentuating the complicit exchanges between fans and band, and you have the perfect recipe for an intimate concert.
The performance begins with three solos, followed by two duets. Back in 2017 from the first notes with Kim Lip who opens the ball on “Eclipse”. Jin Soul with “Singing in the Rain” and Choerry with “Love Cherry Motion” will complete the picture before continuing with “Love Letter” and “Puzzle”. The personal introductions being over, a first intermission takes place. Then, still on the 2017 discography, “Uncover” and “Chaotic” introduce the cover of Doja Cat and its title, “Say so”.
It will be necessary to wait for a first exchange between the group and its public to be able to appreciate the last EP of ODD EYE CIRCLE, “Volume Up”, released a few weeks ago. A few flashbacks will be made again, more episodic, with “Starlight”, “LOONATIC” or even “Sweet Crazy Love”, thus allowing the pleasure to last until the fateful moment: the announcement of the last songs: “Girl Front” and “Hi High”.
Fans who made the show...
The performance of ODD EYE CIRCLE will remain engraved in the memories of the Orbits! The number of lightsticks present testifies to the unyielding support of the fans. Particularly touched by the sad conclusion given to LOONA, they have given themselves a mission: to offer ODD EYE CIRCLE a welcome worthy of the name, despite their young age!
Bet more than successful! Salle Pleyel had a good occupancy rate while the shadow of a long weekend in the middle of August hung over sales. From the beginning of the afternoon, the fans waited in peace and respect in front of the room. Several nationalities were present, further proof that music has no borders and that the audience wanted to be eclectic. The fans are united by one thing: their love for the group and regardless of their color, nationality, religion or sexual orientation. The active fanbases organized a numbering, completing the organization of MyMusic Taste! Result: an entry without accidents and a start of the show on time!
During the 90 minutes of concert, the two thousand people sang so much that it was sometimes difficult to hear the members themselves! The lyrics were known to everyone, creating a symbiosis that can only be found in intimate concerts. Proximity was essential, the trio multiplying the interactions while some had to lose their voice to shout their love. The famous “Popopopopo…”, resounded again, proof of its effectiveness in concert. The stands shook, some jumped - jumped a lot - while others cried... A multitude of emotions in proof of an evening with your head in the stars!
Must come back!
In conclusion, ODD EYE CIRCLE has been able to bring together its fans, both those from the start and the neophytes. However, it will take a few more achievements for the trio to assert their own identity on stage, detaching themselves from the image of LOONA, to live their own adventure. Maybe, by the winter of 2024, the group will have evolved enough to meet the Orbits again... Well, that's what they slipped between two songs, teasing a winter comeback shortly… Answer in a few months!
Find all the pictures of this evening in our PHOTO GALLERY!
Our whole team thanks MODHAUS, MyMusicTaste and ODD EYE CIRCLE for inviting us to this event!